Thursday, May 15, 2014

Identity in Crisis

If you feel like getting into a heated debate or argument, just mention the topic of homosexuality and the Church’s position on it, and you will most assuredly find yourself smack dab in the middle of one. It is one of, if not THE most divisive issues in America today, and I would venture as far as to say that more people are kept from the Gospel because of this than anything else.  How did this happen? Why homosexuality in-particular ?  And as Christians how should we respond?

Politically Correct

What began in America as a well intended desire to respect and love others regardless of their religion, ethnicity, and other differences, has now morphed into fear of man in the form of “political correctness.”  Tolerance has slowly become the acceptance and reshaping of immorality.  As a result, our culture is now framed in such a way that to even hint that a homosexual is in the need of repentance is translated as hatred, and so we find ourselves a people both confused and divided.
There are so many different sinful lifestyles that do not create this sort of outrage when addressed. So what is it then about homosexuality that is so different?  I believe that it is an issue of “false identity.”

False Identity

Now, I am a heterosexual woman, but I do not identify as such.  If you asked me to describe myself, I would not include my sexual preference in that description. That is not the case, however, for most people who call themselves homosexual. They identify and embrace themselves by this label.
So what happens when a loving and well intended Christian tells someone that their homosexuality is a sin?  It is translated to the individual as, “YOU are sin…the very essence of who you are is sin.”  That is very different from being told that you are a sinner in need of a savior.
Let me give you an example of what I mean by this:  I personally struggle with addiction; I might even call myself an addict, but I would never joyfully embrace this as being the core of who I am.  I would never yield to this temptation and call it my life’s purpose.  I understand it as something to overcome.
So, if upon seeing my pain, someone were to lovingly come alongside and call my addiction out as evidence that there was something missing in my life while pointing me to a Loving Savior, I may then be able to receive what was being said.  If you told me that being “Laura” were a sin, however, I wouldn’t hear another word that you said because I would feel that I was being singled out based on WHO I was rather than the universal issue of sin.
As a society, we have all agreed that addiction leads to death and that it is something to be fought off and overcome. Homosexuality is not seen in that light, however, so confronting someone based on this issue alone is not received as being loving or helpful in any way.

Confronting Sin

The Bible teaches that when confronting sin, “the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness” 2 Timothy 2:24-25.  With the way that our culture is positioned currently with our words coming across as only hateful, this seems an impossible feat. So what are we to do?
2 Timothy 2:25-26, goes on to say that, “GOD may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil…”
Did you notice who is doing the work here?  Who initiated the repentance?  Who is the teacher in this scenario?  God Himself! The issue then for the Christian, is distraction!  The enemy would have YOU also believe that homosexuals are identified by their sexual preference.  They’re not!  The issue is sin.  The issue always has been and always will be, SIN.

He will Transform

The same rules apply to homosexuals that apply to anyone else.  So what should we, as a Body, do in regards to this? Love them!  Lead them to Jesus Christ and allow Him to take care of the details of their sin the way that He took care of all of ours on that same cross!  HE will transform their heart.  HE will convict.  HE will give them their NEW and TRUE identity in Himself, and we will get to watch as prisoners are set free!
So am I suggesting that the solution is to pretend that homosexuality doesn’t exist and just entrust it into God’s Hands?  No, not any more than I believe that we should ignore any other person or group of people who are in need of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
I believe that we should continue to steadfastly pray over our country, vote when there are elections, and I truly believe that we should shed this heavy yoke of judgment that we have taken upon ourselves when we became so fixated on this issue above all others.
I believe that we should, instead, love on our people struggling with this identity crisis, plant seeds all the while and patiently wait for the Lord to bring forth the harvest in His appointed time.

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