Friday, September 14, 2012

Trail of Thought Crumbs...Join Me!

What is hope?

Is it present?

No, hope is the expectancy of what is to come. The very nature of it implies that it has not yet come. In order to hope, you must have faith.

What is faith?
Faith is the belief in what cannot be seen, and often times, in the impossible.  
Is faith complete?
No, like hope, faith implies that it is to be "waited" upon.

Faith and hope are not tangible. By their very nature they cannot be disected and looked too closely upon, because trust cannot be understood as a perfect equation..and trust is what they are built upon.

Where does trust come from?
It comes from knowing that the intentions behind a thing are GOOD...that the purpose behind a thing is GOOD...and where does goodness come from?


And where does love come from?

And what is love?
God Himself.

God is love and therefore His purposes and intentions are good so we can trust Him. Once we trust Him, we can have faith to believe the impossible. Once we have faith in the impossible, we are filled with hope, and once we are filled with hope...we are free!


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