Monday, January 25, 2010

Just Listen

Guard my words and guard my steps, Lord; I tend to ramble when afraid. Guide Your words to broken ears; I tend to expect them to be painful when I'm trembling. My stubborn mind can be made up so hastily; especially in desperate times. The healing of Your love it so desires- "Lord please don't let me fall before I'm lifted." When I enter Your House, may it be in anticipation of listening- of listening- without giving- without trying- without relating- without judging. When thoughts are abundant- Lord, please hold my tongue. When words creep to the surface with a pounding heart, I must not have paid attention.

1 comment:

  1. Oh friend, have you lived in my head?? I've felt this before this desperation of heart, of desiring Him and doing right so badly but not trusting myself and knowing i i was just one heartbeat, just one wrong spoken thought, just one mistep away from completely messing everything up... but didn't have the words to put it in!! Gosh I love reading your writings. :)
