Monday, May 19, 2014

A Promise in the Dark

 Even now, as the battle rages on I see a bow of light in the blackest sky, and who doesn’t need a promise in the dark?

On the other side of this fear, there is such joy.  Even now You have gone ahead of us to prepare a place to celebrate this sweet victory.  Though tonight I cannot see past the pain, I know that tomorrow is a new day and new promises await us. 

The circles that have left us so exhausted will be made straight before us, and we will have energy to make love where such hate seemed to echo throughout the night…haunting every right as a wrong and transforming each try we made into defeat.  New sounds; much sweeter sounds will fill the night air then.

Our angry words will remind us of the struggle for this peace.  How our love is sought after.  It always has been.  It probably always will be.  Though tonight I lay with heavy heart, tomorrow will tell of the way our hearts run back to each other every single time. 

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly we forget that we are one.  We tear each other apart and all the while it’s all the same.  That dimness in your eyes belongs to me.  These bruises on my heart are yours to share.  But still we battle on. 

Wisdom calls out to us all the while, but we cannot hear until we’ve gotten that last word in and the damage has been done.  We pray for peace.  We pray for a different kind of way, but it always comes out sounding like the past and neither one of us cares to ask if maybe we’re mistaken.  There is a certain kind of fondness we have for those old chains anyway. At least we know where they’re taking us. Never mind that it’s nowhere.

But then, tomorrow.  Just as quickly as these waves covered and consumed us, they will crash to the shore having washed our soiled hands and soiled hearts.  Our hearts will beat faster.  Our words will be softer.  Our bodies will grow closer.  Our love will remain.

Even tonight so far apart, I can hear you whisper my name.  The screams try to drown out the sound, but I can still hear you whisper, “It’ll be okay.”  And who doesn’t need a promise in the dark?


  1. "At least we know where they are taking us. Never mind it's nowhere." - and in comes sanctification. Thank you Jesus.

    This was so beautiful. You live inside out like Jax. Maybe that's why I love him so much.

  2. Oh Laura......your precious heart......and your beautiful way of expressing all that it feels. Your words always touch me deeply. ❤️

  3. Thank you. Good thing I can express through written word because I sure struggle to with my mouth lol
