Friday, May 2, 2014

Rest for the Nomad


The nomad has subsided; finding a home. 
Virtue in truth; strength in powerlessness.
Freedom needs guidance- you don’t fight for it, you simply ask. 
A trembling awakening to the light that never seized- my eyes
were always slits. 
Chaos is created by man, and sometimes



the mind’s red-carpet and settles for a moment to be remembered. 
If chaos is so simple to so many, then peace must be divine! 
Eyes refuse to open!
Just reach for it! 
Search and seek as you would the drugs, the sex, the conformity
of this world! 
Surrendering to yourself is only bowing down to dust, so why do
you laugh as I bow to Glory?
Do not betray the light to roll around in the dirt and then expect
to be rewarded! 
Why are we constantly amazed to find ourselves in filth? 
There is only one way to be cleansed but it seems that dirty is
I want to be clean! 
I yearn to be clean! 
I long to be clean! 
Jesus has made me clean!

Look and rejoice! 
He smiles when you cry out to Him-
Not because you are in pain, but because you open the door.

Wait! Don’t slam it just yet!
Listen- if for only a moment…
be quiet-if for only a pause…
If you truly are without an answer, it’s because you never

Shhh….He’s waiting for your silence.  

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